Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 5 Juice Fast

Feeling emotionally frustrated today. I went to the sauna for over an hour yesterday (we use an infrared one), ate (or drank juice, rather) very little yesterday, urinated probably 100 times last night - a LOT...and I finally lost a whopping .8 lbs. I know I should probably be happy with that, but .8 pounds in two days with exercise and sauna time/lots of sweating, lots of cutting back on the juice intake...shouldn't I be losing faster than that? I don't know...maybe I'm just in a pissy mood today and the emotional detox is getting to me. I see all these stories about how people lose at LEAST 1 lb a day on a juice fast, and who lose pretty quickly on raw...and here I am. Remember, the whole week all raw before I got on the juice fast, I lost an astounding one pound. Whoop-dee-f'in-doo.

Oh, another thing that's irritating...I also keep reading about people who have commented that the whites of their eyes seem to get whiter, yada yada yada. Mine are MORE bloodshot. I'm not talking about a super-red color or anything, but the veins in my eyes are definitely MORE noticable, and my eyelids are redder and puffier. Weird. Everything everyone keeps talking about, the opposite happens to me. Go figure!

Still waiting for the emotional detox to get better. I think I'm doing okay, and then something relatively minor happens and I freak out, start crying, get sooooo frustrated, etc. This is NOT like me at all, so I'm at a loss of words for it. I do NOT like it, to say the least.

Also still waiting for that wonderous claim of energy. Please tell me it's gonna hit soon. I'm nearing three weeks all raw, and I've felt like crap most of those days. NO energy. LOTS of lethargy and painful, sore muscles. I know the juice fast is supposed to be harder than raw, but geez. Raw was rough enough as it was. I was hoping to kinda start feeling a little better by now. Either I'm super toxic and my body is having a rough time with it, or raw simply doesn't agree with me.

One thing I'd like to note that I have NOT done and do not plan on many suggest getting a colonic before the juice fast. I can't afford to go in and have someone do it for me (nor the time), and I am NOT sticking something up my rear end and flowing fluid up in an area where stuff is supposed to come OUT of (no way I will be able to do this to myself). Plus, isn't the point of going "raw" and juicing supposed to be mostly natural? Sticking stuff up my rear and "cleaning" it unnaturally just doesn't seem "right", and I am petrified of it, to be honest. Also, wouldn't it upset the natural flora in there worse? Maybe I'm wrong, but let's just say that I am totally uncomfortable with doing that. The downside of this, is that perhaps it's the only way to get extra toxic stuff out during something like a juice fast...and maybe this is why my body is having a reeeeeeeeeeally hard time with losing weight. It's not as though I'm anywhere near my goal weight, so I could see slower weight loss for those who aren't really that overweight.

I won't disclose exactly how much I weigh yet, but let's just say that it's plenty. :D LOL.

Either way, I feel like I'm torturing my body for no real good reason. Maybe it's just too soon to see much results yet. I still have 25 more days to go on the juice fast, and I was really hoping to lose around 30 lbs. Based on these five days, I'm already behind schedule on that, so maybe my expectations are a bit unrealistic.

Wish this wasn't so f'in hard!!!!

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